Digitacc ERP Financial Management


Digitacc provides integrated financial management application designed to give simplified access to relevant financial information. Digitacc solutions provide company-wide accessibility so you can accelerate an accurate financial closing cycle any level.

Business Challenges

  • Perform closing-cycle tasks efficiently across organizations
  • Generate accurate financial reports
  • Provide access to period-end information for validation and analysis
  • Increase automation, visibility, and control of regulatory disclosures and financial statements
  • Key Features

  • Accounting – Automate your financial close to comply with International Financial Reporting Standards and local GAAP
  • Monitoring – Control task sequences and manage the closing cycle over multiple types of financial software
  • Consolidation – Compile financial period-end reports for specific branch levels
  • Disclosure – Manage production, filing, and publication of financial statements and reports and extracting into different file formats
  • Regulatory compliance – Monitor and document manual and automated internal controls
  • Business Benefits

  • Speed the closing cycle with configurable, automatic workflows
  • Reduce the cost of finance and compliance by automating processes
  • Improve data accuracy by reconciling data online
  • Automate reconciliation with a central data repository
  • Minimize closing workload by completing tasks before the closing cycle starts
  • Reduce the time and cost of regulatory disclosures and electronic filings